Community Ambassador Recruiting
Community Ambassador Application Form
The OpenFi team will contact you directly if we are interested in cooperating with you.
We are recruiting ambassadors to represent OpenFi as well as to spread the brand's influence. We sincerely welcome global influencers, experienced blockchain players, and community leaders to join OpenFi and help expand the community in local markets.
As a global ambassador for OpenFi, you will receive support from the official OpenFi community, event support, exclusive ambassador posters, community airdrops, high-quality posters and content, hot topics, first-hand project information, and more.
We believe that it's a win-win for both influencers' popularity and OpenFi brand influence to co-manage and build communities, increase community activity, and build influencers' own IP.
1. Requirements and Salaries
Ambassadors must have a community of a certain size and be willing to cooperate with OpenFi operations to qualify as OpenFi ambassadors. The number of community groups, community size, and community quality will be evaluated by OpenFi.
The fixed salary of OpenFi ambassadors is determined based on contribution points, with the highest salary being 10,000 USDT per month.
56 points: 10,000 USDT/month
46-55 points: 3,000 USDT/month
34-45 points: 1,000 USDT/month
25-33 points: 500 USDT/month
Owns Telegram Group/Discord
(For each additional group, the reward is multiplied by the number of groups. However, OpenFi will comprehensively evaluate the number of group repetitions, personnel quality, activity, etc.)
5,000 - 10,000 members
10,000 - 20,000 members
20,000 - 50,000 members
50,000 - 100,000 members
above 100,000 members
Community Activity
Share the contents provided by OpenFi official, such as events, updates, etc.
Update OpenFi official announcements
The number of daily active users is not less than 30
Daily community messages reach 500
Delete ads timely and set up bots
Community user quality
Active users
Valid feedback
Promote collaborations in the local market such as influencers, institutions, communities, etc.
Meet up or other offline events related to OpenFi with more than 30 participants
AMA with more than 100 listeners
Post more than 2 updates related to OpenFi in social media accounts
New users (0.5 points per additional users)
10 valid transaction users
Trading volume
20 ETH
2. Commission Fees
OpenFi ambassadors will receive 80% of commission fees, with the percentage adjusted based on trading volume and valid traders monthly.
3. Welfare
Fixed salary
Higher percentage of commission fee sharing
Official announcement of ambassador identity and exclusive poster
Official support from OpenFi, such as crypto news, AMAs, and community management support
4. Elimination
Ambassadors must earn more than 25 points per month to maintain their status. If the ambassador fails to reach 25 points for two consecutive months, their status will be canceled but they can reapply in the future.
If ambassadors have not actively shared OpenFi official posts for more than 7 days or if the number of active members in the community is less than 10 and the number of daily community user messages is less than 100, they will be considered as having given up their salary.
If ambassadors fail to attract 5 valid users in the second month, their status will be canceled.
If ambassadors engage in any behavior that may harm the OpenFi brand or engage in any fake transactions, they will be permanently disqualified as OpenFi ambassadors.
Last updated
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